With Independence Day on the horizon, Washington DC is getting ready to be decked out in red, white and blue. Our nation’s capital is simply buzzing with all sorts of different events to celebrate. If you’re planning a visit to the city around this time, then we have plenty of suggestions for you.
The Fourth of July is when it all kicks off and few things are as iconic as watching the fireworks from the National Mall. This city is filled with so many historic landmarks that you definitely feel the history of the day. Independence Day is so much more than just a public holiday and there are few cities that celebrate it quite like ours.
While you’re in the city, you can take full advantage of learning about this history. But first, you may want to watch the annual parade as it comes down Constitution Avenue. This parade starts at 11.45am on the 4th of July, so make sure you’ve got a good spot to watch from. There are floats, balloons and all manner of spectacles to celebrate the birth of the nation.
This is totally free for you to watch, though it’s always very busy. It’s a great way to spend an hour or two watching the floats go by. These floats come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with marches from our service men and women in there too. Kids are welcomed at the parade, so they can enjoy the fun too.
If you head over to the National Portrait Gallery, you can view some of the most influential presidents’ likenesses. Their American Presidents installation is filled with some amazing works of art, well worth having a wander around. There are also temporary exhibits in the gallery which change regularly and feature some more modern pieces with the theme of what it means to be American.
Interestingly enough, the 4th of July is also the birth date of President Calvin Coolidge, so make sure you wish his portrait a happy birthday! The quiet president did not say much in life, so don’t be surprised if you just get silence back.
As we move into the evening of Independence Day, prepare for a lot of fireworks. As soon as the city starts to get dark, you will see and hear these setting off. As there are so many areas of natural beauty around the city, there are loads of places to grab a picnic blanket and watch the fun. The Washington Monument is a great place to watch, though there may be quite a few different families there too. Take snacks and drinks to settle in for the evening and enjoy the warmer weather.
The city is filled with hustle and bustle around the Fourth of July holiday so it’s a brilliant time to visit. Be sure to check out our tours of historic sights if you want to learn more about the history of the nation around this much celebrated day. We hope to see you soon!