According to new studies undertaken by meteorologists in the city, the instances of warmer nights is on the rise. These have reached an all-time high this year, leading to an influx in the number of people pursuing evening activities.
These balmy nights are indicative of temperatures during the day, as the heat continues throughout the evening. Since 2000, the instances of nights above 80 degrees have increased exponentially, which is great news for those that enjoy the nightlife of the city.
Without the sun beating down, the city feels much fresher and more inviting for visitors. This means that the city is your playground, especially with that nice weather on the way. Beware that this additional heat can build up into a higher likelihood of thunderstorms, so you might need to get inside in short notice.
One of the best things to do on these warmer nights is to do some sightseeing while the weather is nice. Our DC After Dark tour takes place all year round and the sights are generally much quieter at night. This gives you the perfect opportunity to explore without getting caught up in all the footfall.
During the day, the weather in the city can reach 90 degrees, and it’s made even warmer by the crowds. On warmer days it can be preferable to wait until the evening for such a tour, as the difference is like night and day.
While you travel around the city during the evening, you can also beat a lot of the traffic that accumulates during the day. This can make it much easier and more expedient to move around the city, giving you more time to explore. There’s nothing worse than being stuck in traffic, so we offer this tour at a less busy time of day for our visitors.
Our DC After Dark tour finishes up at 10pm, so you’ll still have plenty of time afterword to sample the nightlife. There are so many bars and clubs within the city for you to choose from, as well as amazing restaurants. On nice nights, it’s possible to walk around most of the city without even needing a coat.
The tour itself begins at 7pm and will take you around some of the most famous sights of the city. This includes the Lincoln Memorial, Iwo Jima Memorial and the Washington Monument among others. We love to show visitors the city in the dark as it offers a completely unique experience of the city. All of the monuments take on a new life when they’re illuminated after dark, which is something that visitors to the city love to see.
Our experienced tour guides make every trip to Washington DC a pleasure and you’ll feel right at home when we show you around. Unfortunately, the summer nights can’t last forever, so make sure you make the most of them soon. No matter what time of year you choose to visit with us, you’re bound to enjoy learning about and experiencing the city.