While it is technically not the birthday of our famous city itself, it was recently the 225th birthday to the day that the settl...
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5 Tips for Your First Trip to Washington DC
Coming to Washington DC for the first time? Gray Line DC's 5 tips ensure you'll have an amazing time in Washington DC. Keep reading to find out more!
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According to studies undertaken by tourism services in the area, year on year the number of tourists has been rising significant...
It is celebrated on the first Monday of September , which will be on the 5th this year.
When the Fall comes in, the city takes on a new life and the weather mellows out too
Recently, members of the public have noticed mysterious patches of black slime emerging on some of Washington’s most famous la...
If you are a regular reader of this site then you will be aware of Gray Line’s affinity with the Washington National Mall
This organization is about to celebrate a century of service this month and you can learn all about their work with us.
August is the perfect month for travellers coming to Washington DC, as the weather has cooled off just the right amount. As a re...
One of the shortest and most influential speeches in American history was the Gettysburg Address, which was given by President L...
There are many little known facts about Washington DC that are interesting to kids and grownups alike.